What we inherited from Labour wasn't just a massive deficit - it was the sense that things were wrong in our country. People who work hard and do the right thing weren't getting anything back and others were getting something for nothing.
We've already started to tackle this:
The deficit is down by a quarter
Immigration is down by a third
Benefits have been capped
Businesses have created over 1 million new jobs
Still, there's so much more to do.
Britain is in a global race, competing for success against countries like China and India. For Britain to succeed, we can't abandon the course we're on, or pretend that there are easy answers. What really matters is taking the right long-term decisions for the good of the country.
Everything we do in government is about helping people to get on and make the most of their lives. It’s not a numbers game – it's about people. That's what the Prime Minister will say in a Party Political Broadcast shown on national television tonight. You can see an exclusive preview of the footage here: